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X10 atomizer

X10 atomizer

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  • Stock: Out of stock
  • Brand: Acessories
  • Views:7791
  • Price: RM 16.00
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X10 Atomizer (user carto)

Available Color : Silver


Suitable for use with all products : Ego products, Itaste VV, Itaste MVP, Imotion, Lavatube, Vamo all mechanical mod and so on.. 







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Comment(Total 9 Comment)

  • Anonymous user ( 2014-01-15 19:20:38 )

    sir..This ATOMIZER x10 can be installed on vamo?TQ

    Administratoryes sir, can use.

  • manfishing ( 2014-01-07 01:58:11 )

    How many mil of this cator capacity?


  • Anonymous user ( 2013-09-14 03:05:44 )

    yang ni dengan protank boleh basuh tak? selalu saya nak basuh sebab liquid makin gelap.

    yang ni atau protank lagi bagus in terms of nak rasa flavour?saya beli X8 macam takde kick sangat

    Administratorboleh boss.. lebih baik guna liquid basuh, jika tidak takut nanti short, rosakan device. Yg ni dan protank lebih kurang sama, structure mereka sama, bottom coil head.

  • Anonymous user ( 2013-09-10 06:54:43 )

    bos, ni ade stok x? Berapa ohm?

    Administratorada boss. 2.1ohm

  • Anonymous user ( 2013-09-03 12:36:41 )

    x10 macam sama G50 bottom coil ya...

    Administratorseperti protank..

  • Anonymous user ( 2013-07-21 02:27:10 )

    Boleh kirim ke indonesia Bos?

    Administratorsorry boss, tak dapat kirim buat masa kini.

  • Anonymous user ( 2013-07-12 10:03:32 )

    oww,,tukar coil head harga coil head berapa ya untuk 1pcs?
    ada stock? ada 1.8ohm tak?...
    sorry ya boss banyak tanya,sebab i nak stanby cuti raya nanti...tq

    Administratorboss, sekarang tak ada spare coil head jual lagi, belum ada.. lambat sikit baru ada. sorry boss.

  • Anonymous user ( 2013-07-11 17:30:16 )

    hye boss..saya nak tanya ya..x10 ini berapa ohm??
    dan kalau sudah rasa terbakar kita boleh tukar guna silica wick dgn kanthal yg u jual tu tak? atau kene tukar coil head sahaja??...
    sebab i nak cari yang senang servis la boss,so tak payah tunggu..terus boleh tukar sendiri..atau u ada suggestion yang lain..tq

    Administrator2.1 ohm boss, tak boleh tukar coil tu, tapi boleh tukar coil head jika rosak.

  • andyvitt ( 2013-07-11 12:00:16 )

    Boss X10 cuma dua colour shj ?

    Administratorya boss.

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